Bạn đang truy cập: Trang chủ Đào tạo Giới thiệu sách- tài liệu Air Leak after Pulmonary Resection

Air Leak after Pulmonary Resection

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Air Leak after Pulmonary Resection (Thoracic Surgery Clinics of North America, Vol 20, Issue 3 Aug10)

by: Alessandro Brunelli MD

Air Leak after Pulmonary Resection (Thoracic Surgery Clinics of North America, Vol 20, Issue 3 Aug10)  library.nu #215597

This issue of Thoracic Surgery Clinics is devoted to the prevention and management of air leak after pulmonary surgery. Despite recent progresses in surgical technique and improved perioperative care, prolonged air leak remains a frequent complication after pulmonary resection. Articles will address topics such as the physics and dynamics of the pleural space, risk factors of prolonged air leak, surgical techniques and interoperative measures, the use of sealants or buttressing material; postoperative rescue strategies and postoperative management of the chest tube, including the use of new digitalized systems and portable devices.




2013-09-12 191209

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