Bạn đang truy cập: Trang chủ Đào tạo Giới thiệu sách- tài liệu Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice, 6th Edition

Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice, 6th Edition

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Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice, 6th Edition

By: Victor J. Marder, William C. Aird, Joel S. Bennett, Sam Schulman, and Gilbert C. White II

Copyright: 2013
Pages: 1592
ISBN: 9781608319060
Product ID: 8317

Since publication of the First Edition in 1982, Hemostasis and Thrombosis has established itself as the pre-eminent book in the field of coagulation disorders. No other book is as inclusive in scope, with coverage of the field from the standpoint of both basic scientists and clinicians. This comprehensive resource details the essentials of bleeding and thrombotic disorders and the management of patients with these and related problems, and delivers the most up-to-date information on normal biochemistry and function of platelets or endothelial cells, as well as in-depth discussions of the pharmacology of anticoagulant, fibrinolytic, and hemostatic drugs.

NEW to the Sixth Edition…

  • A new team of editors, each a leader in his field, assures you of fresh, authoritative perspectives.
  • Full color throughout
  • A companion website that offers full text online and an image bank.
  • A new introductory section of chapters on basic sciences as related to the field
  • Entirely new section on Hemostatic and Thrombotic Disorders Associated with Systemic Conditions includes material on pediatric patients, women's health issues, cancer, sickle cell disease, and other groups.
  • Overview chapters preceding each section address broad topics of general importance.


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2013-09-12 191209

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